Our Vision
Land is in good ecological condition and is being managed sustainably for the benefit of current, and future, generations.
A range of outputs are being sustainably produced from the land. These help to support both local communities and the wider population of Scotland.
Rural communities are resilient, thriving and vibrant, and land management is carried out by a skilled workforce, supported by appropriate education and training.
All land managers and owners have a forum available to engage positively and constructively about managing the wider impacts of deer, and other herbivores, on the environment. Members of the forum treat diversity of land management and deer welfare objectives with respect.
Our Aim
Stakeholders across the deer management sector are working constructively together to help ensure that sustainable and integrated deer management can be implemented effectively on the ground for the benefit of people, nature and the climate.
Our Objectives
1. People in the deer management community are valued and engaged in the conversations about future government policy and legislation in upland deer management
2. People involved with upland deer management understand the practical implications of changes in government policy and legislation and how they can manage any challenges or opportunities
3. People who manage land in upland Scotland are working collaboratively to deliver sustainable deer management across associated land uses.